The other day, someone simply asked, "What do you do?" Now, they were not asking my vocation, but as a pastor, they were asking what all do I do. I tried to answer them the best I could, but the reality is, as my dad always said, "every day is an adventure."
I thank God for the privilege of being able to serve as a pastor. It is such an honor that God would allow me to do so. I've heard the old joke, "must be nice to only work two days a week" more often than you can imagine; and while I know most people are just kidding, I do not think that most people realize what all a pastor truly does do.
I would start by saying that every pastor, every week, every where, every day does not truly know what he will "do." That's part of the adventure. I also know that every pastor should strive to live a disciplined life concerning his time. I also know that a Biblical pastor should spend his primary time in the Word of God, and be sure that his duties do not cause him to "leave the Word of God to serve tables." (Acts 6:2). But, serving tables is part of it.
Every pastor would write a different piece than I am about to write, but for what ever reason, I feel the need to stop and answer my friend and share "what I do."

Let's start with the first day of the week, Sunday. Sundays are the best! This is the Lord's day! Now for the pastor, it is definitely not a day of rest, but it is never commanded in Scripture to be a day of rest, but it is the Lord's Day. I woke up Sunday morning at 5:45 a.m. I got alone with the Lord and read, meditated, and prayed for the day. I then got dressed and ready and left by 8:00 a.m. I and my daughter picked up a young lady who helps work on our bus, and then we arrived at church. We then road a bus route and I ran the route, leading in songs, games, and teaching a lesson. Upon returning at 10:05 (oops we were late), I went to my office, grabbed my Bible, and walked into my Sunday School class. I teach the young singles class. I dismissed at 10:45 and headed over to the auditorium. I met with some visitors, talked to a man struggling with some family issues, and greeted the brethren. The service started at 11:00 and I had the privilege of preaching on "Keep on Singing." When the service concluded, I shook everyone's hand as they left. I was given multiple prayer requests, a few compliments, many greetings, a good joke, and a request for counseling later this week. When the last person walked past, I ran to my bus, had prayer with the kids and we were off. We dropped off our kids as we passed out a snack, drink, and usually have some singing and games. We arrived back at church at 1:45, and I dropped off my things in my office and then we got in the car and headed towards home. Starving by this time, we stopped into a Gold Star Chili and ate as a family. We got home around 3:15 p.m.. I finally was able to use the restroom and even had time to play my daughter in Mario Kart (I actually beat her, first time ever). We soon got back in the car and headed to church as choir practice begins at 4:30. We arrived and I went to choir. (I have 4:30 discipleship every other Sunday and the off Sundays I go to choir). Following practice, I ran to my office and had 15 minutes to look over my sermon and pray and get back to the auditorium. The Lord blessed with a good service. Following the service, we spent some time fellowshipping with the church. As I was making my way later towards the back, a young person caught my eye. They were hurting. I went to them and they soon began to pour out their heart. We went and met and I tried to share what the Lord laid on my heart to help them. We left church about 9:00 p.m. and headed home. Upon getting home, we fixed a light dinner and ate it as a family. It was just that quickly 11:00 p.m. and we headed to bed. I answered two emails, played a game of Clash Royale, looked over my calendar for tomorrow, returned two texts, and had prayer. I drifted off somewhere around 11:45.

It's now Monday morning at 5:30. A dear missionary I love, who needs prayer as he was hurt on the field, touched base with me through WhatsApp. The chime of that alert gets me up. I have a time of fellowship with this brother, and then begin to spend time reading my Bible and in prayer. At 7:00 a.m. I am getting dressed and ready for the day. We leave a little before 8:00 a.m. for church. There my wife and I teach and my daughters attend our school. I got in and got busy. I spent the morning writing post cards. Every Monday, I write post cards to all of our college kids that are away, those who are not feeling well, and anyone that has a birthday or anniversary that week, along with a few other random cards as the Lord lays it upon my heart. I then worked on the slides for the Sunday morning service. With everything fresh on my mind from the weekend, I type out the slides that will be used for this upcoming week. Following that, I had to return a car we had rented. Our vehicle has been broken down and in the shop, so we had to rent a vehicle. It was due back Monday, so I took it and cleaned it out and gassed it up and returned it to the dealership. Bro. Sallee picked me up and we stopped on the way back and had lunch (aka a staff meeting about the week ahead of us). We then stopped by the post office where I mailed the post cards and returned to school in time for me to teach three classes. At 3:00, I finished my teaching (I teach typing, Literature, and Algebra 2 on Mondays). I then had to contact another two schools about scheduling a tournament basketball game. I was emailed the seeding and it is my responsibility as serving Athletic Director to schedule these things. I then went and got the bus ready and the basketballs and equipment together for our game Monday night. As coach of our basketball team, it is my responsibility to do these things. I filled the water bottles up with the help of my wife and loaded the bus. It was then a teacher brought a situation to my attention that needed to be handled immediately. I called a meeting with some staff members and we dealt with a pertinent matter. It was then 4:30 and it was time to leave for the game. I and Bro. Sallee are the only CDL drivers available on weekdays, and I normally drive the bus to games. So, off we went at 4:30 towards Dayton. After a little over an hour drive trip, we arrived at our location. We had a Junior High Game and a Varsity Game that night. While driving, I received notice from a lady of her husbands funeral arrangements. We finalized the arrangements when I parked and was able to get a phone call back to her. I also was still texting and emailing trying to figure out the tournament games and their times. The games began at 6:00 and ended around 8:45. We stopped soon at a fast food restaurant and grabbed some food, only to return to church around 10:45. I parked the bus, dropped off a few items, and arrived back home at 11:30. After cleaning up and answering a few texts and emails, I laid down in bed. My precious wife had stayed up to tell me good night. I played a game of Clash Royale (you don't understand, it helps me unwind), had a time of prayer, and drifted off around 12:30 a.m.

Tuesday came too quick! The alarm went off at 5:00 a.m. and we were up and going immediately. A young man who recently rededicated his life and has been back active in church was having surgery at Christ hospital in downtown Cincinnati at 7:00. I got dressed and was out the door soon and arrived at the hospital and spent time with the young man and his family. Before they took him back, I had prayer with them all and spoke to the doctor who was confident things were going to go well. I left the family and sat down in a quiet spot, a small lobby, in a nice chair. I reached out to the same missionary to check on his progress and fellowshipped with him a bit. I then called my wife to make sure they made it out the door safely that morning, and then decided it was a nice place to spend some time with the Lord. I read my Bible, prayed, and thought on the day. I then headed back to church with a quick stop by Sonic for a large drink and a Keto Bowl. Not bad for $4. Upon returning to school, I had two emails and two phone calls to return (still working on those tournament games a few other things). I then taught my typing class at 10:00 a.m. and met with the seniors about their senior trip. I then booked our lodging for the trip and made and paid for reservations. I had to run to the store to get a baked chicken for lunch (because the dog grabbed our lunch my wife had laid on the countertop that morning-bad DOG), and then returned just in time to feed the family. After lunch, I prepared some notes for Sunday night and then taught my Algebra 2 class. One call I had received that morning is that one of my men's elderly mother was rushed to the hospital. Following my Algebra 2 class, I typed out what the seniors had to bring for tomorrow's hot lunch and then headed to Wilmington, Ohio to the hospital to visit this man and his mom. I arrived at the hospital at around 3:15 p.m. and spent some time with the family. I got back in the car around 3:45 and got out my Bible. I had not had time yet to prepare my message for our nursing home service that night. There in the parking lot of the hospital, God gave me my message from Mark 14 about being broken and giving God the glory. Upon finishing the message, I began my drive home. Each night at nursing home, we give out a Grace gift to one of the residents. I had not gotten that gift yet, so I stopped at the grocery and picked out a gift, along with some windshield wiper fluid (the car I am driving had none), and some broccoli for dinner. I got home and gave my wife the broccoli, and as she prepared it, I went through the mail. I had gotten home about 5:10, and she had dinner done at 5:30. We ate as a family, and I was in the car leaving at 5:45 to head to nursing home. My daughters and I stopped and picked up a young lady who helps at nursing home and we arrived at church around 6:10. We (my daughters, two young men, and about 4 teen girls) loaded the church van and headed to the nursing home. Our service runs from 6:30-7:30. We had a very sweet service, and as always, the residents encourage us more than we encourage them. We loaded the van and stopped at a UDF for a treat. Most of them got ice cream; but I got a coke zero and a few peanuts (4 carbs). We arrived back at church around 8:15, and I was home by 8:45. I then posted on Facebook about the service on our church page, answered two emails (still working on those tournament games), and then got a glass of water and watched the State of the Union Address (not bad President Trump). I then went straight to bed, had a time of prayer, played a round of Clash Royale, and was sleeping by 11:15 (I was pretty tired).

Believe it or not, it was Wednesday next (today-the day I am writing) and the alarm went off around 6 a.m. I spent some time in prayer and Bible study (God always blesses obedience-Joshua) and then got ready for the day. We were out the door and at church by 8:15 and the day was already moving. I went in and collected orders for the senior hot lunch today and then headed to the grocery to get the items needed (one student forgot their items, and we needed a few others). I stopped in the parking lot and checked in with the missionary on his progress and called our church commissioned missionary, Bro. Roberts, and checked on him. I then drove through and got my wife and I a drink and a Keto bowl, and got back to church by 9:30. I answered two emails and then it was brought to my attention that the pouring rain was flooding the buildings and septic. After developing a plan to build an Ark (or keep the building dry) I headed to the kitchen. The seniors are having a mashed potato sundae bar today (only $3). We had to prepare 80 servings of mashed potatoes with all the fixings (I made me a mashed cauliflower sundae bar-only 4 carbs). We then ate lunch and I returned to my office. There I had to call and pay for a propane delivery at my house and return a form to our government about our income. I then called my son who is away at college and I then emailed one of our college students who are away at college and tried to encourage them, as I heard they were very discouraged. I then had to teach myself how to do our Algebra and then go teach it to the students. Following class, I spoke on the phone with our church commissioned evangelist, Bro. Ted Alexander about his ministry and then mailed two books to our dentist office. You see, last week I was there, and one of the hygienist suddenly passed away. They were all still struggling with her death, and I teach a grief counseling class at times. I mailed them a letter and two books that will help if they read and trust the Lord it speaks of. I then typed up this article you are reading while waiting for the 3:00 bell to ring. (it just did). Soon, my family and I will head home. It will be a little slower night-I think. That visitor Sunday who asked for counseling is coming over tonight at 6:00. So, we will head home pretty quick and fix dinner and clean up after dinner and pick up the house and then welcome them at 6:00 to our house. I do not know how long the time needed will be, but I have marked off the night for it. I also hope to get those tournament games finalized tonight, spend some time around a family altar, beat Grace again at Mario Kart, and start some studies towards tomorrow night's sermon.
But there you go....there is a few days of what I do (at least what I could remember). Every day is an adventure! Tomorrow's adventure will begin soon enough.
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