Monday, December 19, 2011

Church Christmas Songs V

Pastor, the Hard Nosed Preacher (Tune of Rudolph, the Red Nosed Reindeer)

There’s Rick Warren, and B. Graham,
Paul Couch and Ken Copeland,
Joyce Meyer and down south
Old Smiley Joel Olstein
But do you recall, the most
Hard nosed preacher of all….

Pastor our hard nosed preacher
He won’t let us do a thing;
And if you go and ask him
Country music you can’t sing.
Most of the other preachers
Wouldn’t dare and name a name;
Except for our hard nosed preacher
He’ll call you out-He’s not playing games.

Then one business meeting night
We began to say:
“Preacher with your nose so hard
Can we drop our high standards?”
Then how the preacher went off
And he shouted out with glee,
“We’ll never never do that
For the love of Christ Constraineth ME!”

That old preacher wouldn’t budge
He preached and held the line.
And some day when we see the Lord
We’ll rejoice we didn’t compromise!
So if you have a preacher
Who is known around for his hard nose;
Go tell him how you are thankful
But be sure…
To be….
In mo---dest----

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